Upon acceptance for enrollment and annually with each new Program Year, WHCC requires that parents complete a Child Enrollment Packet for each each enrolled. Files are updated throughout the program year as necessary.
Below are forms used by Woods Hollow:
ACH/Automatic Tuition Payment - All tuition is paid through automatics withdraw from a checking account.
Child Emergency Card - All information must be accurate; Parents need to contact Administration and their classroom teachers if any of the information changes
Health History Form - This is done at initial enrollment and updated annually or if any health information has changed.
Child Health Report - This form is required by WI State Licensing and needs to be on file within 30 days of starting at the Center. For children under 2 years of age, it needs to be updated every 6 months. For Children 2 years and up it needs to be updated every 2 years. For children enrolled in our School age program, one needs to be done only upon enrollment.
Enrollment Contract - This form allows parents to indicate the maximum hours their child will be in attendance. (no more than 10 hours)
Immunization Form - Each child must have an immunization form on file. This form is required by WI State Licensing and needs to be on file within 30 days of starting at the Center. Parents have the responsibility to provide WHCC with any information on new immunizations given while their child is enrolled.
Parental Consent Form - This form has a variety of statements included in which parents much sign off on at enrollment and yearly thereafter.
Authorization to Administer Medication - Completing this form give WHCC Staff permission from the parent/guardian for staff to administer medication for s specific condition at specific times during the day. This must be completed in order to be in compliance with WI State Licensing as we provide medicine for children. Forms can be found in the classroom or emailed to you.
Authorization to Administer Lotions, diaper ointments, etc There are separate forms for lotions, sunscreeens, etc. If you need assistance, please request it from your teachers or Administration. Forms can be found in the classrooms or emailed to you.
Temporary Contract for Enrollment - If a family is in need of a temporary change of hours in which they have contracted for their child to be here that is different from their enrollment contract, this form is used. It is approved by the classroom teacher for a temporary basis of 1-5 consecutive days as long as staff are able to adjust their work schedules to maintain ratios. It must be requested in advance.
Intake Update Form - This form is used quarterly by parents to update the information on their child. It is a modified version of our full intake form that is provided at enrollment.